Darwin Photography Workshop

with George Fragopoulos & Rocco Ancora

Faces & Places

Join Our “Faces and Places” Photography Workshop!

Are you passionate about photography and eager to take your skills to the next level?

Look no further!

We are thrilled to announce our exclusive one day workshop, “Faces and Places,” where you’ll delve into the world of captivating imagery and learn from experienced photographers,  Rocco Ancora & George Fragopoulos who have mastered various genres.

Darwin Photography Workshop

What to expect from this workshop?

Immerse yourself in an inspirational and informative journey that will leave you equipped with solid techniques to enhance your photography endeavours. This workshop strikes the perfect balance between theory and practical’s, ensuring you gain hands-on experience while understanding the fundamentals of what makes a truly outstanding photograph.

By George Fragopoulos
By Rocco Ancora

Who Should Attend?

Whether you’re a hobbyist looking to refine your craft or an aspiring professional seeking to expand your portfolio, “Faces and Places” is designed for photographers of all levels. Our goal is to empower you with the techniques and inspiration to create images that evoke emotions and tell powerful stories.

Save the Date: Join us on the 13th of August for this inspiring and unforgettable photography workshop. Spaces are limited, so make sure to secure your spot early!

Morning Lessons: Exploring the Essentials

Discover the core principles that underpin every great photograph. From mastering composition techniques that add visual interest to understanding the magic of lighting, we’ll show you how to transform ordinary moments into extraordinary works of art. Be prepared to be inspired by real-life examples from Rocco and George’s diverse portfolio, covering portraits, weddings, events, landscapes, commercial shoots, and product photography.

By George Fragopoulos
By Rocco Ancora

Afternoon Lesson: Unleashing Your Creativity

Take your skills to new heights as we dive deeper into specific genres. Learn the art of capturing breathtaking portraits, from directing and posing your subjects to creating a genuine connection. Explore the nuances of landscape photography, uncovering techniques to immortalise nature’s beauty. Discover the excitement and challenges of event and wedding photography, as well as photographing till sunset and exploring iconic Darwin light.

Practical Sessions

No workshop is complete without putting your newfound knowledge into practice. We’ll provide opportunities for you to experiment with different lighting setups, compose stunning shots, and work with professional models and picturesque scenery, while receive valuable feedback from George & Rocco.

Don't Miss Out

Gain insights from a seasoned photographer with vast experience across multiple genres. Learn essential photography fundamentals and how they apply to various subjects. Explore techniques for capturing stunning portraits, landscapes, events, weddings, commercial, and product shots.

Get hands-on experience during practical sessions and receive valuable feedback.

Connect with fellow photographers, share experiences, and expand your network.

Reserve Your Spot

To secure your place in this transformative workshop. Don’t delay—let’s embark on this remarkable photographic journey together!